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About me

About me

I am Erce Sargin (1989). I was born and raised in Amsterdam, where I still am located.

Erce Sargin

Photo- and videography

I am Erce Sargin (1989). I was born and raised in Amsterdam, where I still am located. I studied Art History and Philosophy at the University of Amsterdam, where I also got my degree in Museology & World Heritage. During my years at the University I developed a strong passion for photo- and videography.

I liked to paint, and still do so, but it costs me much time, and, to be honest, I am not the greatest painter of all, though I can say that I do a hell of a better job with a camera in my hands.

While it certainly is not the same medium as painting, a camera still gives me the opportunity to play with colors and lines on a flat surface, as well as composition and framing; the reasons for which I adored painting in the first place.

After a short period as a hobbyist, I got more and more commissioned work as both a photo- and videographer. Now I want to share my work with all of you, my commissioned work as well as my free work, with the aim of stimulating your aesthetic senses.

Besides our verbal language, we also share a visual one. The latter gives me the possibility to communicate a language beyond words, which is mostly limited to fixed definitions. The visual language enables me to express my abstract and fluid emotions, which are explainable, yet undefinable through words.

Art is a strong form of communication. With art I don't mean the fancy definition it has received over time, but the art for all of mankind, the art that connects, without exclusion. For me, you, who at the moment is reading these words, and all of you, are all unique yet equal to me, without some being more equal than others.

Starting as a hobby, I now have got the privilege to make my living out of photo- and videography. I am grateful for that and show my appreciation for it every single day, and on every single project.

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  • Art Direction & Design
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  • Film & Sound


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